The Barker Log Cabin
This cabin was built without a fireplace for Charles Barker and Lucy Twining, who were married in 1877. Charles Barker came from Illinois and Lucy Twining lived with her parents, the George Robert Twinings. Lucy was an only daughter with four brothers—Mahlon, Riley, Bob, and Fred. Rob was the father of Etta, Lucy, Mary, and Cora (Montgomery Nelson).
The only child of Charles and Lucy Barker was Eva, born in 1878. Eva married Frank Brown and they had seven children: four boys—Harold, Charles, Waldo, and Fredrick; and three girls—Della, Elizabeth, and Laura. Eva and Frank Brown lived in this log house until 1902. The cabin, which was built with pegs, was dismantled, logs were numbered, and in July of 1971 it was moved to this location. Here it was reconstructed as the original with an addition of a fireplace. |